To increase its visibility, the Montreal Bridge League hired a communications firm specialized in the plural sector (non-profits and charities).
A comprehensive approach was taken late in 2012 to develop an action plan that would allow the League to carry out its mission while taking into account available resources. Implementing the plan requires considerable investments and depends on the sustained contribution of bridge players. In 2013, the Board of Directors allocated a budget to carry out the plan.
Actions planned for 2015 and 2016
- Continue to organize tournaments and bridge activities for the current and future bridge players;
- Renew MBL’s image and redesign the website;
- Improve collaboration actions with leisure organizations and associations;
- Ensure the presence of an MBL official spokesperson to special events;
- Pursue actions to reach and encourage new players, take an active part in the Loto-Québec’s World Games Event;
- Enhance communications, develop a media relations strategy, develop a relationship program and conduct surveys;
- Continue to support the promotion of bridge and ensure support for the ACBL’s development programs
Actions conducted in 2013 and 2014
- Enhanced email campaigns, review of tournament sites;
- Development of new member programs: Mentorship Program, Loto-Québec’s World Games Event, Welcome Kit;
- Development and distribution of informational pamphlets;
- Presence of the League in the community: steps to develop a new image and a new website, visits to bridge clubs and bridge classes;
- Translation of several of the most relevant ACBL documentation and articles into French, support and promotion of the ACBL teaching program and recognition tools (Ace of Clubs and Mini-McKenney).