Aces of Clubs 2020
Congratulations to the MBL players who finished among the top-3 in 2020!
0-5 | Ramani Sundaresan Pankajam Sundaresan Srivatsa Rajan |
147.76 55.61 46.87 |
5-20 | Claude St Pierre Charles Bocti Arvind Jain |
66.54 43.61 40.37 |
20-50 | Rosemary Healy Louise Desautels Guy Couture |
112.25 82.82 76.94 |
50-100 | Guy Belisle Joanne Patterson Louise Ranger |
87.30 85.47 75.12 |
100-200 | Pracheth Srinivasan Richard Bourne Frederic Belanger |
178.17 102.26 75.99 |
200-300 | David Dubeau Carole Cloutier Leslie Eiser |
142.31 131.93 71.57 |
300-500 | Bala Srinivasan Liette Dubord Michel Boileau |
475.97 141.74 132.21 |
500-1000 | Beatrix Oram Denis Ouellette Laurette Langlois |
200.22 159.36 112.47 |
1000-1500 | R James Macdougall Renee Bonenfant Denyse Morin |
136.93 125.29 118.87 |
1500-2500 | Martin Girard Alain Blaise Louise Mascolo |
135.53 113.24 108.86 |
2500-3500 | Michel Doré Ronald Coulombe Bob Scruton |
155.15 139.83 131.15 |
3500-5000 | Michel Bertrand Francoise St Pierre France Marcoux |
292.76 201.60 188.14 |
5000-7500 | Denis Lacroix Pierre Gaudreau Bernard Marcoux |
246.44 228.13 187.39 |
7500-10000 | Marc Lachapelle Serge Chevalier George Retek |
326.85 57.80 54.75 |
10000+ | Barbara Saltsman Pierre Daigneault Frederic Pollack |
112.67 109.68 80.11 |