Congratulations to the MBL players who finished among the top-3 in 2016!
0-5 | Alan Smouha Liette Dubord Yunjiang Dong |
141.12 60.69 58.71 |
5-20 | Normand St Pierre Sylviane Hyvrier Suzanne Malo |
139.18 111.82 108.14 |
20-50 | Yves Brien Andre Emond Simon-Pierre Goulet |
90.92 68.77 58.40 |
50-100 | John Hobbins Kohur Gowrisankaran Marie-Josee Laforce |
101.36 87.65 79.90 |
100-200 | William Roy Beatrix C Oram Laurette Langlois |
133.32 127.83 117.24 |
200-300 | Andre Blanchet Maxime Nault Carmen Lavoie |
230.19 182.10 95.46 |
300-500 | Denyse Morin Jacques Lafrance Pierre Dionne |
155.85 153.26 149.82 |
500-1000 | Michel Morin Roger Martin Suzanne Viau |
268.34 191.75 190.76 |
1000-1500 | Therese Huot Francoise Frenette Pearl Cooper |
201.05 183.11 174.99 |
1500-2500 | Xavier Combey Andre Houde Ronald Carriere |
368.22 304.71 255.74 |
2500-3500 | Maryse Hambrick Howard Berkowitz Louise Menard |
478.15 327.95 298.33 |
3500-5000 | Hayk K Bosnakyan Gary G Bernstein Janyne Provencher |
412.55 358.01 326.17 |
5000-7500 | Sarko Kassabian Kamel Fergani Marc Lachapelle |
578.18 550.03 525.93 |
7500-10000 | Pierre Daigneault Barbara J Saltsman Fred Hoffer |
615.84 340.42 142.07 |
10000+ | Frederic Pollack Nicolas L’Ecuyer Boris Baran |
810.72 625.78 388.06 |